Knockout Chaos in the Kitchen
My husband is 6'4" and I am 5'2". For years the canned vegetables were on the top cabinet shelf and the soups were beneath them. I eat vegetables all the time, and soup rarely (those are most often consumed by my husband). Until making the obvious switch, I was using a step stool daily.
I have a set of cleaners (under the kitchen sink) that I use primarily in the kitchen!
Pullout drawers made a big difference for us because we had deep cabinets.
BE AWARE: Not all cabinets have the same depths, heights and widths!
Store rarely used items in the hard to reach areas/cabinets or in a storage area somewhere else in your house (mine is the basement).
Think about where you use items and keep it simple so others will be able to follow your storage methods easily.
EXAMPLE: Place large spoons in one area and spatulas in another. Don't over complicate! For example, don't sort slotted spoons in one area, plastic in another, metal in another, and so on. If you have too many of an item, declutter!
If you need more space, think about adding an additional shelving unit.
DO DISHES EVERY DAY! Time yourself. It doesn’t take as long as you think (Dana K. White Dishes Math)
This is a GREAT place to allow kids a chance to learn, but they will need trained.
I know this sounds crazy, but be open minded! I use to organize the utensils when loading the dishwasher to make unloading easier, BUT allow the utensils to nest and they don’t get as clean, so whenever possible separate/space them out. I promise once you get use to the change it won't take that much longer to unload.
For safety, put sharp knives towards the back so you are not reaching over them.
Declutter, keeping the dishes that you frequently use. Keep your favorites (have other family members pick their favorites too), and then discard rest. The person or persons most involvement in meal prep should have the most decision-making in this area!
ZONE items in the kitchen based on use / category; like items together!
Label and date your leftovers to draw attention to them to eat, and you know when they likely need to be thrown out.
ZONE like Items together! Depending on how consistent with certain foods you are depends on how micro to get. For example, I have a separate bin for canned green beans because we eat those more often than other canned vegetables.
Remember to put new purchases in the back and cycle the oldest to front.
ONLY buy bulk in items you use often (within expiration dates).
If you find expired food either use it that week (if it is has never been opened and you trust it) or throw it away! If this happens often, you need a new system that avoids waste.